Contact us | Batteryvitamin

Contact us

Please feel free to contact us:

The Product Manager

Batteryvitamin Division

F&H (Proprietary) Limited.

email: info@batteryvitamin.net

Direct phone/ voice mail/ fax  24/7:

+27 11 463-2379

Manufactured and Distributed by:

F & H (Proprietary) Limited

7th Floor, JHS Executive Centre

112 Kerk Street


South Africa

F & H (Proprietary) Limited: is a leading South African battery service product manufacturer and exporter. Our focus is on the export market. We have been in business since 1981, doing business in the USA since 1984, in the UK and in Germany since 1986. We concentrate on R&D and undertake specialized manufacturing. The way in which South Africa has been administered politically has been and continues to be perplexing. The South African business community, in sharp contrast, has always been professional, is respected and continues to thrive.

Johannesburg: Africa's largest financial center, largest industrial city.  Johannesburg has six airports, including Africa's largest - a first-world infrastructure, excellent manufacturing and accomplished industrial R&D facilities. Johannesburg is located on the edge of the remains of  the world's largest known impact crater, 190 miles in diameter, caused by a 6 mile diameter asteroid traveling at 45,000 mph, 2.023 billion years ago. The impact eventually led to the formation of a thin, dish-shaped crust of gold bearing rock, buried underground, popularly known as the Main Reef - the source of 50% of all the gold that has ever been mined in the world. Greater Johannesburg measures about 25 miles N-S and 50 miles E-W, has a population of  about 10 million. The city is located a mile above sea-level. Many of the goldmines near the city are 2.5 miles deep, which means that the miners are working 1.5 miles below sea-level, where the surrounding rock temperature is at 130 degrees F. Huge refrigeration plants are used.

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