
Introduction to Batteryvitamin

  • Batteryvitamin L provides industrial battery users with the most up to date tool for extending the service life of their hard working batteries.
  • Batteryvitamin L is easy to use and a little goes a long way. It is added as a concentrate to the battery filling water. Every time the batteries are watered the required amount is delivered and distributed together with the water to every cell.
  • Batteryvitamin L can be used to treat new and in-use batteries and is suitable for hand watering as well as single point battery watering.
  • Batteryvitamin L is responsibly formulated to guard carefully against compromising the benefits of purified battery water.

Actual recorded cycling performance of two sets of batteries. Testing according to BCI specification.
  • In a blind field trial run in a large automobile manufacturing materials handling facility, nearly 1,000 industrial motive power batteries received Batteryvitamin L from their sixth service year onwards by automatic dosing and by automatically controlled single point battery watering.

    After 10 years of service, about 52% of the original batteries were still in use, equivalent to a conservatively calculated increase in service life of 65%.

    Despite running about 26% batteries short at 10 years, Batteryvitamin L ensured there was always enough power for all the vehicles.
Data from supplier battery register, historical battery usage and battery replacement patterns.

When battery life is extended it translates directly into dollar savings. The total number of batteries that remained in use represented a value of around 2 million dollars that became available as working capital or as money that could have been banked.

  • Batteryvitamin L is a hitherto unexplored form of nanotechnology for extending lead-acid motive power life. The following is a schematic representation of what it can do inside the battery:
According to Dr Hans Bode, Research Director (retired) Varta Batterie AG, Hanover, Germany, organic substances can help to reduce sludging of the positive plates when constantly resupplied. "Lead Acid Batteries", (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1977) p 335.

For more details of a technical nature, please refer to How is the Nanobarrier formed?

  • Batteryvitamin L represents a major breakthrough that evolved out of research into substances that have been encoded or keyed with selected chemical and physical characterizations, to be carried by water to appointed areas of use and to carry out pre-assigned tasks.

  • The unique properties of Batteryvitamin L can help to hold back previously inevitable corrosion of battery plates. It can be used by repeated application in combination with single point battery watering - thereby providing a refresher service to the battery.

  • As motive power battery cells age they use more water, some more than others. By using the replenishment water as the carrier, the cells that appear to need Batteryvitamin L the most, beneficially receive the most.

    Batteryvitamin L falls into a similar category as the ligno-sulfonates, extracted from wood, that must be included in the negative plates by battery manufacturers to preserve negative plate activity; and natural rubber separators, that reduce the long term negative adverse effects of antimony in batteries. Chemically different, functionally similar. The nature of Batteryvitamin L makes it a powerful disinfectant - acting to prevent the Legionella, biofilm/slime and algae build up in the water supply in conformity with heath regulations.

    Batteryvitamin L works best at a very low concentration. At about 5-30 parts per million, (ppm), in electrolyte, it appears to have a purely physical effect, without any really significant chemical interaction with the battery cells. Above 1,500 ppm tests showed a discernable chemical interaction can be expected. Batteryvitamin L is typically slowly and harmlessly drawn in by the plates from the electrolyte, but above the recommended concentration is likely to be taken in increasingly faster - which therefore precludes an extra amount of Batteryvitamin L as storage in the electrolyte of the cells. This is why it is necessary to replenish the battery cells with diluted Batteryvitamin L at regular intervals.

Precision Water Pressure Powered Dosing Unit


Soluble in water in all proportions, soluble in sulfuric battery acid at recommended concentration.

Specific Gravity:

Dilution Factor:
Volume concentrate : Volume battery water = 1: 125
1 fl. oz : 1 US gallon

In Electrolyte:
Batteryvitamin concentration will not rise with successive waterings since Batteryvitamin is consumed in batteries within 2 weeks. Concentration varies, typically 20 parts per million.

Batteryvitamin is biodegradable. For disposal dilute concentrate 1 : 1,000 with water.

Patented world-wide

Batteryvitamin is not suitable for treatment of a battery that begins when the battery is almost worn out. Batteryvitamin should not be used in an attempt to revitalize a defective, neglected or spent battery. As Batteryvitamin is used outside our control, we cannot accept liability for damages.

Lead-acid motive power battery business breakthrough.